Michelle labels some index entries to streamline her indexing and index edit processes. In this episode, she explains her labeling system—naming and explaining the nine labels she uses. Do you use labels while indexing? We'd ...
Sometimes, even with deadlines looming, indexers might not feel like indexing. It can be hard to sit down at the computer and just start working. In this episode, Michelle details the times she has encountered Resistance. (Ye...
In this episode, Michelle expands on what to do "in case of emergency" by describing the contents of her Go Bag. By having a Go Bag, she's ready for travel, hardware failures, and electricity outages. If you're not ready to …
This is the first episode of season 3. Thank you for being a loyal listener! In today's episode, Michelle addresses the sticky situation of what to do in case of emergency. Do you have a system in place so clients …
In this episode, Michelle discusses the fate of bespoke indexing software in light of Scribendi.ai's announcement about CINDEX. As of April 1, Scribendi will no longer distribute or support CINDEX, but will make it available ...
In this episode, Enid Zafran talks about her transition from Director of Indexing Services at BNA and the reasons behind the move to full self-employment as a freelance indexer. She also shares her experiences as chief of pub...
This episode is all about indexing and writing about indexing. Michelle talks with Stephen Ullstrom, who is not only an award-winning indexer but he's also a first-time author. He wrote an excellent step-by-step guide to inde...
Michelle details how to create a strong partnership for the index edit as well as the steps for each person in the index edit process. Here is the link to the index edit resource list . Do you have a …
This is the third installment of Michelle's conversation with Enid Zafran. She talks about how she balanced her role at the Director of Indexing Services at the Bureau of National Affairs while growing her business, Indexing ...
In this episode, Michelle returns to the index edit to discuss the costs (literal and figurative) and benefits of having another index edit or proofread your index. In the first episode in this series, #19 Index Edits - An In...
Today's episode continues the conversation between Michelle and Enid Zafran. The last episode (episode #18) left off with Enid joining BNA as the Director of Indexing Services. Now Enid will talk about what it was like to ind...
In today's episode, Michelle introduces the concept of index edits. She details the types of index edits as well as her experiences in indexer-editor partnerships. Episodes referenced in this episode: #3: Year-End Business Re...
The podcast is back for Season 2! On today’s show, Michelle shares part of her conversation with Enid Zafran, an award-winning indexer with over 40 years of experience. In this installment, Enid details her experience indexi...
In the last episode of Season One, Michelle answers more listener's questions on: Square as a credit card option Marketing in the U.S. How to ask to be listed on the copyright page of books Why she started this podcast …
Michelle answers a couple of questions from newish indexers. One indexer wants suggestions on breaking into indexing as a career, and another newish indexer asks about setting rates. Michelle will be back next week with answe...
In this episode, Michelle explains how she double-checks her estimated project fees and project rates proposed by clients. She uses a simple mathematical formula to test whether she will earn her desired hourly rate for each ...
Michelle continues explaining how she prepares estimates for indexing projects. She details why time is the most import factor to track and consider when calculating what to charge. Do you have a suggestion or comment to sha...
This episode is all about how to prepare estimates. Michelle describes the different things she needs to consider during the process. She also explains the importance of using pricing data from previous projects. Episode #9 ...
In this episode, Michelle brings up the B-word: burnout. But instead of focusing on the symptoms of burnout, she concentrates on what leads to burnout: a never-ending stress cycle. She will talk about her recent experience ...
You went to the conference and made some connections. Now what? In this episode, Michelle offers ways to follow up with people you "met" at the virtual conference. Michelle referred to the resource list from her presentatio...
Networking at virtual conferences or at webinars is different than in-person situations, and therefore it requires a different type of preparation. Michelle walks listeners through how to prepare for this type of networking, ...
In this episode, Michelle talks about how she translates various indexing rates into an hourly rate. And she discusses her time-tracking journey - the different methods she has used over the years to create a system that work...
Join Michelle as she takes a closer look at the types of rates charged by indexers. She walks listeners through her April schedule, discussing the types of rates charged for different indexes and why. She also details her est...
In this episode, Michelle talks about credit cards and the different gateways available to freelance indexers to accept them. She also goes through the fees charged by each gateway, as well as whether accepting credit cards ...